Our projects

Title: BrachyDOSE development
Source of finance: Baltic Sandbox Incubation programme
Status: Completed

Title: Data pilot project. Medical data gathering from national data agency (VDA)
Source of finance: LSMU and EIT Health
Status: In progress

Title: BrachyDOSE development
Source of finance: EIT Health, Attract 2 Invest
Status: Completed
Title: BrachyDOSE development
Source of finance: X2.0
Status: Completed
Title: Ready2Scale programme managed by Civitta for product development and mentoring
Source of finance: Ready2Scale, Civitta, European Commission
Status: Completed

Title: BrachyDOSE development
Source of finance: EIT Health InnoStars Awards
Status: Completed

Title: BrachyDOSE results booster. BrachyDOSE 775025 - PDESC
Source of finance: The Horizon Results Booster, RTD-DISSEMINATION-EXPLOITATION-BOOSTER, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation Common Knowledge and Data Management Service
Status: Completed

Title: „Inovacijų konsultacinės ir paramos paslaugos verslui (InoSpurtas)“ Nr. 01.2.1-LVPA-V-842-01-0003), BrachyDOSE
Source of finance: Ino Spurtas, Tech Park Kaunas
Status: Completed
Title: Developing a feasibility study for the future commercialization of BrachyDOSE – an innovative accurate and simple brachytherapy measurements tool
Source of finance: Phase 1 Instrument for SMEs, 2017, Horizon 2020, European Commission
Status: Completed
Office: K. Baršausko g. 59-B507, Kaunas, Lithuania

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